This data was created to assist governmental agencies and others in making resource management decisions through use of a Geographic Information System (GIS).
Parcel ownership related information, including name, mailing address, situs address, real estate assessed values.
Mecklenburg County Assessors Office
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from physical sources used to develop the corporate database may be reflected in the data supplied. Users of this data must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology,currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Mecklenburg County makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information archived and distributed. The digital information is distributed on an "as is" basis, and Mecklenburg County shall not be responsible for any claims attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information. In no event shall Mecklenburg County be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any nature caused to any person, party or entity as a result of use of the information. Mecklenburg County does not support secondary distribution of this data. The use of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County hereby disclaims liability for any such loss or damage.
There is no extent for this item.
Maximum (zoomed in) | 1:5,000 |
Minimum (zoomed out) | 1:500,000 |
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday
8 - 5 M-F
Mecklenburg County Assessors Office
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from physical sources used to develop the corporate database may be reflected in the data supplied. Users of this data must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology,currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Mecklenburg County makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information archived and distributed. The digital information is distributed on an "as is" basis, and Mecklenburg County shall not be responsible for any claims attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information. In no event shall Mecklenburg County be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any nature caused to any person, party or entity as a result of use of the information. Mecklenburg County does not support secondary distribution of this data. The use of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County hereby disclaims liability for any such loss or damage.
Ownership data from Mecklenburg County Assessors Office
Mecklenburg County
shapefile data table.
Unique identifier for each feature.
ArcGIS Help
ArcInfo topology type.
ArcGIS Help
Unique identifier for each real estate tax record. The CAMAPID is different from the COMMONPID only in cases of condos. The parcel polygon has one single number listed in the COMMONPID field, associated with multiple condominium owner records in the CAMAPID field.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Unique identifier in GIS for condo parcels. This number is exactly the same as the PID.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Attribute contains a special pid, form 11111C11, for every case that the GIS parcel is a condominium parcel. One parcel in GIS is linked to many condo tax records in CAMA. If the parcel is not a condo parcel, then the taxpid equals the common pid.
Current owner last name.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This is the set of all the owner last names. It contains over 330,000 names and changes daily.
Current owner first name.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This is the set of all the owner first names. It contains over 330,000 names and changes daily.
First name of the second owner if applicable.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This is the set of all the owner last names. It contains over 330,000 names and changes daily.
Last name of the second owner if applicable.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This is the set of all the owner first names. It contains over 330,000 names and changes daily.
First line of mailing address.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This in the set of all mailing address lines of every parcel in the county. It is updated daily.
Mailing address city.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This in the set of all mailing address cities of every parcel in the county. It is updated daily and can include the name of any city in the world.
Mailing address state.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This in the set of all mailing address states of every parcel in the county. It is updated daily and can include all states in the US as well as any equvalent political body in other countries.
Mailing address zip code.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
This in the set of all mailing address zip codes of every parcel in the county. It is updated daily and can include all zipcodes in the US as well as any equvalent postal routing code in other countries.
Value of outbuildings and other structures (sheds, barns, decks, etc) associated with parcel.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Value of the land only for a particular parcel.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Total value of land, building, and extra features.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Date the deed conveying the sale was recorded.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
The date of sale can be any existing valid date.
Sale price based on the excise tax paid at time of recordation of the deed.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Recorded Deed Book number.
Mecklenburg County
Recorded Deed Page number.
Mecklenburg County
Net Building Value for existing building on the property
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Narrative description of the property use
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Free-form field that contains legal description for the parcel.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
Legal description is usually the legal lot number, the legal block number if applicable, and the number of the map recorded in the Register of Deeds that contains the description of the property. Example: L1BA M28-665
Code representing the type of land unit.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
ESRI unique id number.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
The parcel identifier currently used by the Land Records Department. It is formed by combining the tax map book, page, block, and lot numbers. This is the number attached to each parcel polygon in the geographic dataset.
Mecklenburg County Database Design
ESRI-generated field that stores the perimeter of the line defining the parcel polygon.
Mecklenburg County Land Records
ESRI-generated field that stores the area of the parcel polygon in square feet.
Mecklenburg County Land Records
Acreage of parcel calculated by area of GIS polygons.
Mecklenburg County Land Records
Physical parcel address
Mecklenburg County Land Records
This is the set of all the owner names. It contains every owner first and last name and changes as owner names change.
Physical city location of parcel
Mecklenburg County Land Records
Selected attributes are appended to the dataset from the CAMA database. There is detailed information about the owners, mailing address, situs address, sales information, and value.
Mecklenburg County Real Estate Appraisal
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday