Tax Easements

This data was created to assist governmental agencies and others in making resource management decisions through use of a Geographic Information System (GIS).
This dataset contains easements compiled from manual cadastral maps in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Mecklenburg County Land Records Management Department.
Use limitations
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from physical sources used to develop the corporate database may be reflected in the data supplied. Users of this data must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology,currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Mecklenburg County makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information archived and distributed. The digital information is distributed on an "as is" basis, and Mecklenburg County shall not be responsible for any claims attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information. In no event shall Mecklenburg County be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any nature caused to any person, party or entity as a result of use of the information. Mecklenburg County does not support secondary distribution of this data. The use of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County hereby disclaims liability for any such loss or damage.
West | -81.339663007 | East | -80.294530937 |
North | 35.54143587 | South | 34.983676184 |
Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) | 1:5,000 |
Minimum (zoomed out) | 1:500,000 |
Themes or categories of the resource Boundaries, Planning & Cadastral
Title Tax EasementsPublication date 2014-05-20 00:00:00Revision date 2023-08-08 00:00:00
- Individual's name Karen Isley
- Organization's name Mecklenburg County GIS
- Contact's position Sr GIS Analyst
- Contact information ▼►
- Voice 980.314.4603
- Type physical
- Delivery point 2145 Suttle Av
- City Charlotte
- Administrative area NC
- Postal code 28208
- Country US
- e-mail address
- Hours of service
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday
- Individual's name Scott Black
- Organization's name Mecklenburg County GIS
- Contact's position Sr GIS Analyst
- Contact information ▼►
- Voice 980-314-4640
- Type both
- Delivery point 2145 Suttle Av
- City Charlotte
- Administrative area NC
- Postal code 28208
- Country US
- e-mail address
- Hours of service
8 - 5 M-F
Dataset languages EnglishDataset character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer FormatStatus on-goingCredits Mecklenburg County Land Records Management Department.
Extent used for searching- West longitude -81.339663007
- East longitude -80.294530937
- North latitude 35.54143587
- South latitude 34.983676184
- Extent contains the resource Yes
- Individual's name Karen Isley
- Organization's name Mecklenburg County GIS
- Contact's position Sr GIS Analyst
- Contact information ▼►
- Voice 980.314.4603
- Type physical
- Delivery point 2145 Suttle Av
- City Charlotte
- Administrative area NC
- Postal code 28208
- Country US
- e-mail address
- Hours of service
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday
- Update frequency as needed
- Limitations of use
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors and conditions originating from physical sources used to develop the corporate database may be reflected in the data supplied. Users of this data must be aware of data conditions and bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology,currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. Mecklenburg County makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information archived and distributed. The digital information is distributed on an "as is" basis, and Mecklenburg County shall not be responsible for any claims attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information. In no event shall Mecklenburg County be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any nature caused to any person, party or entity as a result of use of the information. Mecklenburg County does not support secondary distribution of this data. The use of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County hereby disclaims liability for any such loss or damage.
Details for object Tax Easements ▼►- Definition
The polygon attribute table for the Arc/Info coverage.
- Definition source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design.
- Field ADD_DATE ▼►
- Field description
The date the easement was recorded by legal conveyance. If date unknown, the item will be blank.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Minimum value 0
- Maximum value 00000
- Beginning date of values 1996-01-01
- Ending date of values 2000
- Measurement frequency Unknown
- Field AREA ▼►
- Field description
The computer-generated area of a polygon.
- Description source
ESRI Arc/Info Help.
- Minimum value 1
- Maximum value unlimited
- Field EASEMENT# ▼►
- Field description
The internal sequence number of the polygon.
- Description source
ESRI Arc/Info Help.
- Minimum value 1
- Maximum value unlimited
- Field EASEMENT-ID ▼►
- Field description
User-assigned feature-id.
- Description source
ESRI Arc/Info Help.
- Minimum value 1
- Maximum value unlimited
- Field description
Code indicating the source of easement information.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value D
- Description Deed
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value P
- Description Planimetric map.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value S
- Description Survey
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value R
- Description Recorded map.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value T
- Description Tax map.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Measurement frequency Unknown
- Field description
Code indicating type of easement.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value A
- Description Dedicated access easement.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value B
- Description View buffer easement.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value C
- Description View buffer and dedicated access easement.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value D
- Description Above ground sidewalk.
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Measurement frequency Unknown
- Field PERIMETER ▼►
- Field description
The computer-generated perimeter of the polygon.
- Description source
ESRI Arc/Info Help.
- Minimum value 1
- Maximum value unlimited.
- Field STATUS ▼►
- Field description
Code indicating if easement is active or has been withdrawn.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value A
- Description Active
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Value W
- Description Withdrawn
- Enumerated domain value definition source Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Measurement frequency Unknown
- Field WIDTH ▼►
- Field description
Width of easement expressed in feet.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Minimum value 1
- Maximum value unlimited.
- Units of measure ft
- Measurement frequency Unknown
- Field description
The date the easement was withdrawn as an active easement. If the easement is still active, the item will be blank.
- Description source
Mecklenburg County GIS Database Design
- Minimum value 0
- Maximum value 00000
- Beginning date of values 1996-01-01
- Ending date of values 2000
- Measurement frequency Unknown
Metadata language EnglishMetadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer FormatMetadata identifier B9C8BA66-02BC-4DC8-903E-AA3BA32EE8F1Scope of the data described by the metadata datasetLast update 2023-08-08 - Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
- Standard or profile used to edit metadata ISO19139
- Created in ArcGIS for the item 2003-07-18 15:50:00
- Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2023-08-08 15:17:47
- Have been performed No
- ArcGIS metadata identifier {87EF96B1-0C8B-4677-A000-F62FDC059F56}
- Published to an ArcIMS Metadata Service Published
- Individual's name Karen Isley
- Organization's name Mecklenburg County GIS
- Contact's position Sr GIS Analyst
- Contact information ▼►
- Voice 980.314.4603
- Type physical
- Delivery point 2145 Suttle Av
- City Charlotte
- Administrative area NC
- Postal code 28208
- Country US
- e-mail address
- Hours of service
8 - 5 Monday thru Friday
- Update frequency as needed